Monday, August 1, 2011

Never stop believing.

I've been struggling whether I should blog this out o not.

It's not the time to keep on telling people that "it's the time".... "it wont help much".... "we know edi de la"... "he wont live long".  Who are you people? who are you to determine what God will do next? I'm quite frustrated actually... why cant you just build up ur faith n fully trust in the Lord? Why cant you just persistently beg God? Why cant you just pray to God all the time? You of little faith! Change! Pray undoubtedly! It's not the end yet! You are not God. You dont make the decision on behalf of God! Dont judge or make your own assumptions based on what you've seen and heard previously. God do things differently. He's wiser than all man on earth.. He created us, he turns water into wine, he raised the dead! Who are you?

I'm sorry if you said I am indirectly/directly scolding you. I believe in God.. I put my faith in Him, I put all my trust/hope in God n not in man/technology/doctor. God is the Best Healer! Don't say I'm childish or immature... This is what God teaches me.. Be still, I am God. I am the beginning and the end. He will do things in His way... a way that man will never fathom.

Kevin himself is very strong now. Why are u so weak? He said the tumour has bcome smaller, then why do u stop believing/doubting in God. see God's miracle.. altho it's small but you'll never know what will happen next. It's God's decision not yours. So, just keep on praying and believing. Kevin did not stop to ask God for healing, why would you stop? Arent you suppose to keep on supporting? Why waste ur time on being emotional, thinking of negative things, or the worst outcome, when it's not even the end yet? Why not invest your energy in praying/proclaming positively?? so STOP your mind from wandering all around now. PRAY! Pray until something happen! Never ever stop believing! Have faith in God, my dear friends.

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